Thursday, November 15, 2007

Let us bow our heads.

Thanksgiving is next Thursday. It’s the day we set aside to remember that the white man couldn’t grow food on his own in the New World. In honor of this, I’ve come up with a list of things that white men can’t (or shouldn’t) do.

  • Jump. Obviously I didn’t come up with this one on my own.
  • Sing in a gospel choir. Forrest Gump tried it and you probably shouldn’t try to imitate him.
  • Say “biatch”. Actually, I don’t know of anyone that can pull this off without sounding like a complete idiot.
  • Remove their shirts in May. The glare off that big white belly is blinding.
  • Rap. I know that Eminem is white but he’s also from Detroit. Detroit is the only exception.
  • Dance in public. As they said on Scrubs, it’s only OK if you’re gay.
  • Wear a bandana. A lot of bikers try it and they all look stupid. Get a hat or wear a helmet.
Pass the turkey.

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