Thursday, November 15, 2007

Random thoughts: Part II

  • Do Venetian castles have dry land around them to keep out invaders?
  • Nobody’s school color is brown.
  • Cats will eventually eat you if slip and die in the bathtub. That’s why I’m not a cat person. That and the fact that I don’t have long whiskers and a tail.
  • Why don’t we use “extraordinary” to describe something that is really really plain?
  • Chicken soup wasn’t good for the chicken. That’s why there aren’t any “Chicken Soup for the Chicken’s Soul” books.
  • None of my little piggies have ever had roast beef.
  • Does red eye reduction work on albinos?
  • Nigerians are too trusting.
  • If it weren’t for games, no one would own a Palm Pilot.
  • Frankenstein’s monster wouldn’t have been as scary if the mad scientist had been named Dr. Jason McFluffy.


Seriously in need of hair for a haircut said...

Why do so many of your blog entries appear as lists?

Unknown said...

Isn't one of Elk City's school colors brown?

Arthur said...

I tried corned beef on a crescent roll with pepper jack cheese, leaf lettuce, tomatoes, 2 pickles, onions, mayonnaise and mustard. it was pretty good.

Snooks Malloy said...

I have to disagree with you about the Nigerians. A Nigerian child stole my identity, and raised my FICO score to 560 from 310. Not sure if he was too trusting, or truly ignorant of the importance of FICO scores, but that really improved my view of them. Thanks, Mumbutu.