Friday, November 2, 2007

Random thoughts: Part I

Why aren't Paris and Britney on a box of Pop-Tarts?

Giving 110% puts you in debt. Debt is bad.

It is NOT easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission. Begging for forgiveness means that you did something stupid.

I wonder about many things. Bras are not even in the top 10.

Insurance should be called "Giving you your money back minus a fee."

Thanksgiving should be called Givingthanks.

It's ironic that Martin Luther King was named after a racist.

Sometimes I don't have anything good to say and say it anyway. That's how people learn.

Brett Favre spells his name wrong.

You can go 8 weeks without eating, 1 week without drinking but usually only a few minutes without having a bad idea.

Were all Indian kids born in the desert named "____________ by cactus"?

I'm going to start piloting my car. It sounds cooler than driving.

The Declaration of Independence could have stopped at the title and been just as effective. Easier to memorize too.

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