Tuesday, October 30, 2007


In a worldwide exclusive, an insider with the Barak Obama campaign has confided to the Dairy Report that for the last 8 years, Hillary Clinton has been sleeping with a pillow. Even more startling, the insider states that the pillow is not hypoallergenic and may even contain chicken feathers. Phone calls to the Clinton campaign were not immediately returned.

This has got to be the most boring election cycle ever. You would think that with a black man and a white woman as the two leading candidates of the Democratic party that something interesting would happen. You would be wrong. So far, the most heated topic has been Iraq. This comes as no surprise to anyone. What is surprising is how dull the candidates are making the issue. To recap their positions:

Obama: (to Clinton). You should admit that your vote to authorize the Iraq war was a mistake.
Clinton: No.
Obama: OK.

Meanwhile, John Edwards lurks quietly in the background and ponders his hair.

Who would have thought that the Republicans would be more entertaining than the Democrats? No one, that's who. These people won't be disappointed either. Rudy Giuliani's platform up to this point has been: "Vote for me. I was mayor of New York City in 2001." This does not exactly endear him to his red state Republican base. I understand that his next media blitz will involve him singing "I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy." I'm sure that the folks in Atlanta are giddy with anticipation.

Mitt Romney is another candidate that could dull the pants off of Pat Paulsen were he still alive. His most intriguing attribute to date is his religion. He wants to believe that the Republican base will overlook the fact that he's a Mormon. I'm curious Mitt, do you even know any other Republicans? I'm also curious about the name Mitt. About all that you can say about it is that it beats Willard.

Hopefully, things will improve in the near future. The prospect of another year of these candidates is extremely depressing. Who would have thought that we'd miss the Swift Boat Veterans?

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