Monday, October 29, 2007

Sauerkraut and you.

I get a weekly newsletter from the good folks at the Food Network. It has a lot of useful information that I will never use if I live to be 130. It also includes a trivia question at the top and an answer at the bottom. Today's is about sauerkraut. Someone wants to know if you should drain and rinse your sauerkraut before you eat it. My personal opinion is you should drain it and rinse it and then throw the entire contents of the can away. Rinsing should dramatically decrease the stench.

The good folks at the Food Network believe that whether or not you rinse it depends on if you bought it or made it yourself. People actually make their own sauerkraut? Isn't this like making your own hotdogs? Or your own Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries? Who would do this? Apparently a lot of people would because there are also USDA regulations about the making of the killer cabbage.

Just say no people. Just say no.

1 comment:

Arthur said...

I have heard that cooking pork ribs with sauerkraut in a crock pot all day is very good. The ribs flavor melds with the kraut and vice a versa, I guess. I plan on trying it this weekend and maybe fix some cornbread to go along with it to actually see what it is like. As kids we was always forced to eat it with wienies or go hungry, I don't know why, maybe to clean us out - but for some reason I like to torture myself all over again and eat some. Nostalgia? Who knows?